Oculeze™ Eye Drops

Nutraceuticals & Over The Counter Products (OTC) • Ear, Eye, Oral and Skin Care • Pet Owner Products

Hydrates, lubricates and soothes irritated eyes.

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Oculeze™ Soothes and Relieves Pets Dry Eyes

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Oculeze™ is a pet eye drop solution designed to enhance ocular health by supplying extra moisture and lubrication. This versatile product is suitable for a variety of ocular conditions in pets such as; dogs, cats, horses, and rabbits, amongst others.

Oculeze: can help If pets suffer from:

  • Dry, irritated eyes
  • Frequent squinting or blinking
  • Redness, discharge, or crusting around the eyes
  • Summer allergies, helps combat inflamed or irritated eyes due to pollen and dust


  • Soothes and moisturises dry eyes
  • Provides long-lasting eye comfort
  • Safe for all pet breeds
  • Gentle and non-stinging
  • Perfect for senior pets, active pets, and pets who travel
  • Brachycephalic breeds

Brachycephalic breeds are more prone to dry eye due to the unique anatomical structure of their faces, exposing their eyes more to the elements compared to other breeds.

Dog & Cat breeds that can suffer from dry eyes including, but are not limited to:

  • Scottish Folds
  • Exotic Shorthair
  • Persians
  • French Bulldogs
  • Pugs
  • Shih Tzus
  • Cavaliers
  • Cocker Spaniels

An active lifestyle can also trigger eye issues – if pets…

  • Enjoy days out at the beach
  • Travel in an air-conditioned car
  • Or woodland walks, countryside rambles and being outdoors

Choose Oculeze™ for healthier, happier eyes!

Product References

1. Testing of ophthalmic solutions lubricating properties 2022 09 Department of Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, 2022 10 Department of Tribology, Vytautas Magnus University

2. Tsubota K. and Yamada M. (1992) Tear evaporation from the ocular surface. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.;33(10):2942-50

3. Favero, G. et al. (2021) Evidence of Polyphenols Efficacy against Dry Eye Disease. Antioxidants 10:19

4. Eftimov P. et al. (2015) Effect of hydrophilic polymers on the wettability, static and dynamic, of solid substrate covered by confluent monolayer of air-damaged SIRC cells. Biotechnol Equip. 4;29(2):390-394

5. Jang, Se et al. (2014). Comparison of Wettability for Ocular Prosthesis Depending on Different Kinds of Artificial Tear Eye Drops. Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society. 55. 1745

6. Bock U et al. (2018) Development of In Vitro Methodologies to Investigate Binding by Sodium Hyaluronate in Eye Drops to Corneal Surfaces. Open Ophthalmol J. 31;12:226-240 6

7. Černohlávek M. et al. (2021) Insight into the Lubrication and Adhesion Properties of Hyaluronan for Ocular Drug Delivery. Biomolecules 30;11(10):1431

8. Preliminary clinical study on the efficacy of propolis/ aloe vera/ chamomile compounded natural eye drops, Claudio Peruccio, Ophthalmology Referrals, Turin Veterinary Centre, Torino, Italy


  • A natural solution
  • Glycerine as a lubricant, demulcent and humectant to soothe the ocular surface and support hydration.
  • Aloe vera for natural soothing.
  • Chamomile to reduce irritation.
  • Propolis extract – rich in polyphenols.
  • Suitable for any ocular condition where eye health is supported by providing additional moisture or lubrication.
  • For animals with tired, dry or dull eyes.
  • Drying of the eyes may occur due to ocular anatomy, abnormalities of the tear film, during travel or as a result of age-related tear film changes.
  • Can be used alongside veterinary prescribed treatments with no contraindications.

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