Gloves & Protective Wear

At Millpledge, we stock high-quality veterinary protective wear and gloves. Designed to keep you and your patients safe, our range of gloves, aprons, over boots and face masks ensure you're fully protected.

Kleartex AI

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ AI (Artificial Insemination) Armlength Gloves

MP aprons white

Gloves & Protective Wear • Aprons & Overalls

Kleartex™ Disposable Aprons

Kleartex Facemasks Box

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks • Pet Owner Products

Kleartex™ Face Masks

Kleartex Gown 2024

Gloves & Protective Wear • Aprons & Overalls

Kleartex™ Gown

MP Latex gloves 2019

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks • Pet Owner Products

Kleartex™ Latex Examination Gloves

MP Nitrile gloves 2019

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ Nitrile Examination Gloves

Overboot protect

Gloves & Protective Wear • Aprons & Overalls

Kleartex™ Over-boots

Kleartex standard

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ Standard Armlength Gloves

MP aprons green

Gloves & Protective Wear • Aprons & Overalls

Kleartex™ Superior Disposable Aprons

Kleartex supersensitive

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ Supersensitive Armlength Gloves

Surgical Gloves 1 600 x 600

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ Surgical Gloves

MP Vinyl gloves 2019

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks • Pet Owner Products

Kleartex™ Vinyl gloves

Peace of Mind for the Veterinary Professional

Promise 1

Millpledge Quality

ISO 9001 High Quality Manufacturing for over 30 years

Promise 2

Unparalleled Customer Support

VN’s or RVT’s on hand to support your business

Promise 3

Delivering better patient outcomes

Products Designed and Developed for the Veterinary professional

Promise 4

Overnight Direct Supply

International distribution partners around the world

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