Gloves & Face Masks

A selection of high-quality surgical gloves, arm-length gloves and face masks.

Kleartex AI

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ AI (Artificial Insemination) Armlength Gloves

Kleartex Facemasks Box

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks • Pet Owner Products

Kleartex™ Face Masks

MP Latex gloves 2019

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks • Pet Owner Products

Kleartex™ Latex Examination Gloves

MP Nitrile gloves 2019

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ Nitrile Examination Gloves

Kleartex standard

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ Standard Armlength Gloves

Kleartex supersensitive

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ Supersensitive Armlength Gloves

Surgical Gloves 1 600 x 600

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks

Kleartex™ Surgical Gloves

MP Vinyl gloves 2019

Gloves & Protective Wear • Gloves & Face Masks • Pet Owner Products

Kleartex™ Vinyl gloves

Peace of Mind for the Veterinary Professional

Promise 1

Millpledge Quality

ISO 9001 High Quality Manufacturing for over 30 years

Promise 2

Unparalleled Customer Support

VN’s or RVT’s on hand to support your business

Promise 3

Delivering better patient outcomes

Products Designed and Developed for the Veterinary professional

Promise 4

Overnight Direct Supply

International distribution partners around the world

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