True Conforming Bandages

It is advisable to always use a true conforming bandage. A true conforming bandage is one that can be stretched to maximum, released and then remain in much the same condition as the original bandage, without allowing holes to be poked through it.

With a true conforming bandage such as Knit-Fix digits cannot penetrate the second layer bandage.

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If you choose a bandage that holes can be poked through you can end up with a worse case than you started with.

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If you have bandaged a foot and have chosen an inferior under padding to Orthoband, or have not protected the area with additional layers of under padding, the toes may start to penetrate the second layer bandage.

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If you have not used a true conforming bandage the digits can then break through the bandage and circulation of the limb may then be compromised. This can lead to major complications including prolonged healing times and in some cases further treatment and cost.

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It is essential the correct bandage material and techniques are used. Choosing the correct bandage material can make all the difference for the end result. An animal will be more comfortable if the correct method and bandage materials are used. If your patient is more comfortable it will be encouraged to eat and drink, therefore urinate and defecate normally, which will enhance the healing process.

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Conforming bandages have revolutionised bandaging, due to their ability to contour easily allowing essential movement. There are many different types and weights available, depending on the degree of support required. Conforming bandages do however have some content of elastic, so it is essential not to apply too tightly, as this may interfere with circulation. Do remember, if sufficient padding has been applied, it should eliminate the possibility of bandaging too tightly and will be well tolerated by the patient.

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Knitted Bandages 1 600 x 600

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