The presentation is an overview of the V-GEL® Advanced Cat and V-GEL® Advanced Rabbit supraglottic airway devices and airway management in general.
This talk can count towards CPD. Certificates are available upon request.
During the talks, we cover the following areas:
- Overview of airway management and what you are hoping to achieve.
- The different devices that are currently available for airway management and their pros and cons.
- What is a V-GEL®? Description in full of what the features are of the V-GEL® and how this benefits the patient.
- Choosing the correct sized device for your patient.
- Preparation of your rabbit and cat prior to induction.
- Induction of your rabbit and cat.
- Placement of the V-GEL®.
- Confirmation of the placement.
- Monitoring your patient whilst using a V-GEL®.
- Recovery of your patient with the use of a V-GEL®.
- Use of the V-GEL® without the aid of capnography.
- The incidence of Blue tongue in rabbits.
- The incidence of laryngospasm in cats and rabbits.
- What procedures can and cannot be carried out with the use of a V-GEL®.
- Single-use aspect.
The talks are free of charge and are approximately an hour long. You will also have the opportunity for questions and answers, both during and after the presentation.